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Application Guide

Under Introduction you will find, among other things, a video showing the whole process.

For InMa User

Dialog at Login

If you use Business Central on a desktop and you have been assigned as InMa User or InMa Admin, the following dialog may appear when you log in. Picture InMa Dialog at Login

If an InMa Admin enters information of the type 'notify', he/she always also defines a notification period. If you log in to BC within this period, this dialog appears.

In this view, you can also see whether further documents have been stored for you as a user. If this is the case, you can call up this information by switching to the InMa - Information List.

If the notification period is very long or you work in several companies, you have the option of deselecting this particular information at the bottom of the dialog. Answer the question 'Don't show it again at the next login?' with 'yes' (slider to the right) and exit the dialog with [OK]. By doing so, you are only deselecting the notification when logging in; you can still view the data in the InMa - Information List.

If such information has been canceled, you will receive a notification in the same way when you login. Picture InMa Dialog at Login (canceled)

It may happen that you receive several such dialogs in a row. In this case, several records have been added or canceled.

If you use Business Central on your cell phone or tablet and you have been assigned to InMa User or InMa Admin , you will receive a smaller version of the dialog when you log in. Picture InMa Dialog at Login (for cell phone or tablet)

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Information List

The easiest way to find the InMa list is to go to the magnifying glass (BC search) in the menu and then enter 'InMa' as the search term. If InMa is installed on your system and activated for you, you should see 'InMa - Information list' under 'Lists'. Select this list. If you like, bookmark this view.

Picture InMa - Information List

There are some Cues in the upper area. If you would like a more detailed explanation of these, read chapter Cues.

If you have the opportunity to expand the FactBox area in your view (small i at the top right), you should use it. This will give you an even better overview of the information stored for you. If an URL or a document is available for a selected row, it will be displayed here at the bottom right in the 'Documentation for Users' area.

Note: Depending on browser or file size, an uploaded file may not be displayed. In this case, please use the 'Download Documentation' function from the menu bar.

If a URL has been stored, you can open it using the corresponding function or click on the link in the FactBox area.

Within the list, individual fields are highlighted in different colors. This is now explained using examples:

Picture examples

ID 2 has been canceled, therefore all fields are gray.

ID 1, 4 and 6 are of the InMa-Type 'notify'. This field is therefore highlighted in blue and bold. ID 3 and 4 are of the InMa-Type 'standard', which is indicated in blue but not in bold.

For ID 5, the 'ID' and 'Name' fields are colored red and bold. This indicates that not all mandatory fields were entered for this record when it was created. Each record in this table requires at least a name and a description (which is missing here). For InMa-Type 'notify', the notification times must also be entered.

For InMa-Type 'notify', the coloring of the fields 'Notification Start Time', 'Notification Duration' and 'Notification End' changes. ID 4 is in the past, so none of the fields are specially marked here. ID 6 is still completely in the future - all three fields are highlighted here. ID 1 is currently displayed during registration, i.e. the 'Notification Start Time' is in the past, but the end is still in the future. In this case only the two fields for duration and end are highlighted.

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Additions for InMa Admin


Picture Cues

'Total No. of Info' counts all InMa records stored in the system for which all mandatory fields have been filled. For this example, all but ID 5 are counted.

'This month Info' counts all newly created or changed InMa records in which all mandatory fields have been filled.

'No. of upcoming Notifications' filters on ID 1 and ID 6 in the example. These two lines have not been canceled and the end of the notification has not yet been reached.

'Number of running Notifications' filters ID 1 and ID 2 for the example. These two pieces of information are currently displayed when logging in.

In this example, 'No. of Info with errors' returns the one incorrect record with ID 5.

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Additions for InMa Admin

Administration Area of Information List

In addition to the view for an InMa User (see Information Liste), an InMa Admin has other functions and can edit the list.

Picture List for Admins

Only an InMa Admin can add or delete a document in edit mode. JPG, PDF and MP4 files can currently be uploaded. Please note that the appearance may vary from browser to browser. The possible size of the files also depends on your system, among other things. It may be better to make very large files available to your users as a link in the 'URL' field. You can use https or file for this field - of course, you must ensure that your users also have the appropriate permissions for the file systems.

With the 'Display After Login' function, you can monitor what is currently displayed to a user when he/she logs in.

You can choose whether you want to delete or cancel a row. If the record is an InMa-Type 'notify' and the notification end date has not yet been reached, your users will receive a corresponding cancellation message when they log in to BC. They will also receive this if they have deselected the original information.

With the 'Deselected' function, you receive a list with Information Deselected by Users.

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Information Deselected by Users

Picture Deselected List

This list shows which user has deselected which information. This is not a read confirmation. You also do not see when he/she has done this.

As an admin, you have the option of deleting one or more data records here. This allows you to reactivate the notification of information that has not yet expired on log in.

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